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Court Rules of Letters of Administration Issue


The following estate litigation was filed by the proponent. The proponent in this case is one of the three daughters of the testator. In her petition, she wanted to revoke the administration letters that were given to her sister. Because of this incident, the two sisters of the proponent had filed a motion against the proponent in to prevent her from submitting the testator’s will for probate.

The mother and now the deceased had resided in another country. One of the daughters of the deceased had requested letters of administration. In her petition, the sister had asserted that her mother was named as the distributee of the property of the proponent’s brother. According to a New York Probate Lawyer, the petition also indicated that the bank handling the estate administration did not perform its duty to distribute the proceeds of the estate to the others.

The two sisters gave consent to the appointment of their brother. The letters of administration were sent to the petitioner while the other sister defaulted since she was not in the city during that time. But she did receive the letter.

The sister who received the letters of administration filed a petition to have the bank explain why it failed to distribute the estate of their brother. After a few months, the proponent in this case has requested the foreign country in which her father resided, to have the last will and testament to be subjected for probate proceeding.

The will and testament contained instructions to give her husband all her assets. If the husband had passed away before she did, the other sisters will receive equal shares of the estate while the other will get a dollar. The father died in the foreign country of residence specifically Israel. His last will and testament was on probate there. Under that will, the deceased father named the proponent of this case as the executor of his last will and testament.

According to a Nassau County Probate Lawyer, the respondent filed her objections to the probate of the will under probate in another country. She relied on the grounds that her mother lacked the ability to make a testimony. She also filed for a proceeding in that foreign country which expressed her intentions of abandoning the probate on the testament of her father.

The proponent of this case then proceeded to file an objection to the letters of administration given to the respondent. The proponents of the case had contended that the decedent had a testament. They also said that their sister was not capable of acting as distributee. Based on their statements, there were also errors in the letters of administration. According to the sisters, the letters of administration may contain misstatements that may have been interpreted by the courts as true information. Misstatements are misleading and can lead to errors in judgment on the part of judicial authority.

A Staten Island Probate Lawyer said that based on the provisions of the law, an injunctive relief is sought may be granted according to the court’s discretion. For the petition to have legal basis, the petitioner will have to prove that he or she has merit and possesses the equities necessary for the remedy. The injunctive relief in this case is said to be a drastic solution.

If the courts in this city will not allow nor accept the comity rule to accept the probate of the will pending in a foreign court, there will be no reason for the same court to deny the petition based on the letters of administration.

The injunctive relief sought by the proponent in this case is denied. There shall be no foreign court proceeding that will submit the instrument for probate.

Get in touch with Stephen Bilkis & Associates for sound legal guidance. Our legal team is your solution to problems concerning estate matters.

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