
Appellant Requests Extension for Filing Appeal

In this case, Plaro Estates, Inc. is the appellant. The Town of Clarkstown and the Clarkstown Central School district are the respondents.


A New York Probate Lawyer said Plaro Estates moves to expand the time allowed for perfecting its appeal. They move for this based on 22 NYCRR 670.8(d)(2). The original appeal’s deadline stems from the Rockland County Supreme Court’s ruling which was dated on the 15th of April, 2011.

The only papers that were filed in regards to this request for an extension were filed in support of the motion. With no reasonable opposition filed or served, the requested is granted.


Plaro Estates were given more time to work on the appeal. The new deadline for perfecting the appeal was January 24th of 2012. Any records that need to be served involving the appeal and the brief itself must be served by the 24th of January 2012 at the latest.

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