
Couple Wins Lottery and Gives it All Away, says New York Estate Planning Lawyer

Winning the lottery is the dream of many. And most of us talk large about how we’d give some to charity, while deep down we know we would buy that fancy sports car and four extra houses and then maybe use the rest of the money to enact revenge scenarios. But one Florida couple has put their money where their mouth is, said an New York Estate Planning Lawyer. The couple, both in their eighties, won over twelve million dollars in the lottery and then realized something: they didn’t need the money. So, after keeping 2% in case of an emergency, the couple started giving the money away. Some to friends and family, most to charities and churches, noted an New York Estate Planning Lawyer. They wanted to make their community a better place. They wanted to fulfill that empty promise to God we all make when playing the lottery. They won’t tell anyone exactly what they’ve given away, but they’ve been surprised with how well spent it has been, said an New York Estate Planning Lawyer. Their church hasn’t squandered any of it and the scammers are gone. Oh, sure, at first they were everywhere but after politely telling everyone who called that all the money was gone the calls stopped. The couple sleep soundly at night knowing they did the right thing.

Now today the couple drive their same old cars and there isn’t a sign they’ve spent any of the money on themselves, reports an New York Estate Planning Lawyer. They’ve been honest and true when they said it was all given away.

Giving away money, or leaving it to friends and family today, can require a skilled New York Estate Planning Attorney. Contract one today to ensure your rights are protected.

The law offices of Stephen Bilkis & Associates has caring New York Probate Lawyers that can help you plan your estate. Our New York Probate Lawyers can help you probate an estate, write a will or set up a trust. We have convenient offices in New York City, Brooklyn, Queens, Bronx, Suffolk and Nassau County. We want to help you through what may be a difficult time with as little problems as possible and offer a free consultation at 1-800-NYNY-LAW (1-800-696-9529). Call us today to take advantage of this free consultation and speak to a New York Probate Lawyer from our firm.

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