Articles Posted in Wills


pro 339

This is a proceeding to construe and reform the last will and testament of a decedent who died on August 31, 2006 survived by four adult children. The will was admitted to probate by decree dated March 7, 2007, and the children were appointed as the coexecutors of the estate.…


Court Hears Petition for Summary Judgment

In this probate proceeding, the proponent, one of the decedent’s daughters and the sole residuary legatee under the propounded instrument dated March 8, 1983, seeks leave to move for summary judgment more than 120 days after she filed a note of issue. In the event that the first branch of…


Petitioner Brings Motion Compelling Appearance of Proponent

  This is a motion for an order directing the proponent, who is decedent’s widow, to appear for an examination before trial to enable petitioner to frame objections to the propounded instrument bearing date March 10, 1961, and for other relief. The filing of a petition and service of a…


Court Decides Status of Unwitnessed Holographic Will

The petitioner, a sister of the testator, presents an unwitnessed holographic instrument executed January 9, 1968 (‘January instrument’) and also a duly executed instrument (which has been proved as a will) dated February 20, 1968 (‘February will’). The January holographic instrument necessarily must be denied probate. It was executed in…

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