Articles Posted in Estate Administration


Misconduct must be shown to remove an estate administrator.  In re Matter of Estate of Corey, 65 Misc.3d 524 (N.Y. Surr. Ct. 2019)

Once an administrator has been appointed, SCPA § 711 provides that they can be removed or suspend under specific circumstances.  In In re Matter of Estate of Corey, the  Surrogate’s Court was to remove an administrator because he allegedly exceeded the scope of his fiduciary duties and responsibilities. Background The…


Surrogates Court properly revoked the letters without hearing.  In re Kaufman, 137 A.D.3d 1034 (N.Y. App. Div. 2016

In In re Kaufman, the Appellate Division was asked to determine whether the Surrogate’s Court erred in suspending the letters of co-executors without an evidentiary hearing. When a testator makes a will, it is their last opportunity to let the world know what they want to happen to their property…


Court suspended co-administrators due to their animosity toward each other.  In re Steward, 2021 NY Slip Op 2395 (N.Y. App. Div. 2021)

In In re Steward the court considered whether the Surrogate’s Court erred in denying a motion to suspend co-administrators where the co-administrators were unable to get along. SCPA § 711 describes the circumstances under which a court can  revoke letters of administration: Wasted assets. The court has the authority to…


Court issued preliminary letters over objections.  In re Scott (N.Y. Surr. Ct. 2022)

In In re Scott the Surrogate’s Court of Bronx County considered whether to extend preliminary letters testamentary over objections. The petitioner, the decedent’s step daughter, was nominated in the decedent’s December 21, 2019 will to serve as the executor. The decedent died on January 30, 2020.  On July 31, 2020,…


Court revoked letters testamentary based on failure to perform fiduciary duties.  In re Lewner, 2020 NY Slip Op 34365(U) (N.Y. Surr. Ct. 2020)

In In re Lewner, the Surrogate’s Court of New York County was asked to revoke the authority of the administrator of an estate on the grounds that he had not been fulfilling his fiduciary responsibilities. The decedent died on May 19, 2016 leaving an estate with a value of over…


Court denies petition for summary judgement approving compromise petition allocating the entire settlement to wrongful death where there was evidence of conscious pain and suffering. Matter of Qyra 2014 NY Slip Op 24187

In the Matter of Qyra, the Surrogate’s Court considered an issue related to the allocation of the money award in a wrongful death lawsuit.  On February 25, 2010, while walking in Central Park, Elmaz Qyra was struck by a tree branch and died. The administrator (personal representative) of his estate…


Surrogate’s Court considered whether a will was properly executed where the witnesses were not in the presence of the testator when they executed the attestation clauses and the witness affidavits. Matter of William Ryan, 2021 NY Slip Op 21010

In this case, during a 1404 examination of the two execution witnesses, Surrogate’s Court had to determine if the decedent’s will had been properly witnessed given the unusual execution ceremony.  For a will to be valid in New York, it must be properly executed. This means that the will must…


Court refused to hold evidentiary hearing on fitness of administrator.  Abram v. Abram, 2020 NY Slip Op 3195 (N.Y. App. Div. 2020)

In Abram v. Abram the court was asked to consider whether the Surrogate’s Court of New York County erred in denying an evidentiary hearing on the fitness of an administrator of a decedent’s estate. Judges have broad discretion in determined whether an administrator or executor is qualified.  Typically courts will…


Creditor objected to allocation of wrongful death award. In re Estate of Domingo Torres, Sr.  (2002)

While the case of  In re Estate of Domingo Torres, Sr.  turns on the narrow issue of whether to grant the New York City Department of Social Services (DSS) more time to file objections to the account filed by the personal representative, here we will look at why the DSS…


The special needs of a disabled child should be considered in determining her share of her father’s wrongful death lawsuit proceeds. Conejero v. LaJam, 190 Misc. 2d 393 (N.Y. Sup. Ct. 2002)

When someone  passes away due to the negligent actions of another person or entity, a wrongful death action can be filed by their personal representative to seek damages.  Depending on the specifics of the case, if the lawsuit is successful, the amount awarded can be allocated either as a wrongful…

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